Cleanse Your Minds with Yoga as Clay Purifies Your Body

As international yoga day is just around the corner, it is the best time to start working upon cleansing our minds. Along with adapting the use of traditional clay items from Mitticool for improving our physical health, we must also adapt to practising traditional yoga for improving physical as well as mental health.

Practising yoga helps to keep ourselves calm, relaxed and controlling our anger.

So, get set to stay stress-free in your present challenging times.

2 Ways to Stay Cool and Stress-free in Your Busy Lifestyle

 Two forms of YOGA namely “Meditation” and “Pranayama” are very good for a peaceful mind. 

If they are made a way of living, one can always feel light and stress-free which in turn results in a relaxed mind that is capable of controlling emotions like anger, depression, and anxiety.

  • Meditation

Meditation is another form of ‘Yoga’ which means “Dhyana”. 

Meditation is the best practice to come closer to the self and self- care. Many people keep saying that even doing meditation doesn’t affect their stressful minds. But I would say it will have a deep healing effect on your mind if done rightly. 

To do it in the right way, you should understand its meaning first of all. Meditation purely means ‘state of consciousnesses’.  It is not simple breathing in and out technique but it is to be aware of your own self keeping away all the distractions. You should have an “empty mind” which is the prime goal of meditation. It just allows hearing you your breathing and surrounding pleasing sounds.

Things to be kept in mind for effective meditation:

  • Right place
  • Right time
  • Right position
  • Relax and concentrate


  • Pranayama

Pranayama is the form of yoga. Pranayama is composed of two words, prana and ayamaPrana means breath or life and ayama means to regulate. It is said to be the phase prior to meditation.

Pranayama is breathing exercise which may not be related to flow of thoughts in your mind while meditation is done with no thoughts in mind or maybe called conscious sleep. One can say that pranayama before meditation makes meditation easier.

Pranayama is done in three steps,

  • Inhale slowly taking a deep breath.
  • Hold your breath for as long as you are comfortable. Think of diffusing energy and air to your mind and inner organs.
  • Exhale slowly through nostrils.

Benefits of Meditation and Pranayama

  • They are best-practised yoga forms for relieving stress, anxiety and depression.
  • It fills you with positive energy and is great for anger management.
  • It helps to increase concentration and memory power.
  • It also keeps your blood pressure under check.
  • Practising yoga is also beneficial for Asthma patients.
  • Above all, practising yoga brings out “The real you” which is the biggest goal of our life.